Chap. 7: Infrared Light Therapy FAQ
Infrared Light Therapy for Recovery, Fitness, Skin Care, and Total-Body Wellness is available on Kindle Unlimited at
Chapter Seven: Infrared Light Therapy FAQ
Q: Can I wear makeup when using infrared therapy on my face?
A: Makeup does not affect the therapeutic effects of the light.
Q: Can I wear my clothes between my skin and the therapy light?
A: Near infrared / red light energy is capable of penetrating clothing, so you may keep your clothes on if you prefer. Because of the heat produced by the bulb, you may prefer to wear lighter clothing, especially if you are in a sauna.
Q: Will NIR therapy interact with any medications I use?
A: While drug interactions are rare, consult a medical professional before beginning therapy.
Q: Will Infrared light help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
A: Studies have shown that red light and NIR, as well as other light therapies, can improve the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Q: How warm does the treatment site get? Does NIR therapy burn?
A: At a proper distance, red light/NIR therapy feel like compared to direct sunlight on a warm, cloudless day. If you feel uncomfortably warm, move further away from the bulb or end the session.
Q: Do I need to wear some sort of eye protection like when using a tanning bed?
A: Eye protection is strongly recommended. Options range from tanning goggles to glasses designed specifically for use with NIR and red light. Even while wearing eye protection, avoid directing red, IR, and NIR light directly into the eye.

The text above is an excerpt from Infrared Light Therapy for Recovery, Fitness, Skin Care, and Total-Body Wellness. A complete copy of the ebook is available on KindleUnlimited at
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